Rev'd Chris Smedley retired at the end of May 2024 after 22 years as rector of St. Michael's, Breaston and vicar of St Chad's, Wilne with St. Mary's, Draycott.
During the vacancy, Jo Whitehead (see below) will be leading the benefice.

Rev'd Gary Dundas
Gary is a non-stipendiary minister. He has two butchers' shops, one in each village. Gary's primary focus is St. Mary's, Draycott.

Rev'd Maria Przeslawski
Maria is a retired priest with the bishop's permission to officiate. She was born in Breaston and has lived most of her life in the village. Maria has worked as a primary school teacher and taught for a number of years in Long Eaton.

Steve Lacey, Youth and Community Worker
Steve leads the work with youth in both villages, and oversees the children's work. He joined the team in September 2021.
He is married to Rachel, with two grown-up children. He has taught in primary schools for many years.

Jodie McConnell, Student Children's Worker
Jodie joined the team in 2019 at the same time as starting training with CYM (Centre for Youth Ministry). She leads the children's work across the parishes under the guidance of our Youth and Community Worker. She has two children, Harrison and Maisie.
Readers are people who, following a call from God, are trained and licensed by the Anglican Church to teach the faith, enable mission and lead in church and society. In our parishes, we use the term "Reader", but in other areas they may be called Licensed Lay Ministers.

Jo Whitehead
Jo retired as a school chaplain in 2023. Jo will be leading the church during the vacancy following the rector's retirement.
She is married to Paul Stuttle (but retains her former surname).

April McIntyre
April is retired. She has a gift for poetry, and loves the contemplative aspects of worship. She is married to Mike.
Parochial Church Councils
St. Michael's, Breaston
Member | Role |
Vacancy | Rector |
Jo Whitehead | Chairman (during vacancy) |
Rev'd Maria Przeslawski | Associate Priest |
Stephe Bowley | Churchwarden |
Mark Huskisson | Churchwarden |
Phil Lees | Deanery Synod Representative |
Colin Lowe | Deanery Synod Representative |
Paul Stuttle | Treasurer |
Hannah Knighton | Secretary |
Anne Long | Member & Parish Safeguarding Officer |
Rachel Lacey | Member |
Stephen Lacey | Member |
Laura Newman | Member |
Richard Warburton | Member |
Laura Holliday | Member |
St. Mary's, Draycott
Member | Role |
Vacancy | Vicar |
Rev'd Gary Dundas | Associate Priest |
Kris Bingham | Secretary & Parish Safeguarding Officer |
(and others...) |